Well, you deserve it! Positive Vibe is a great song!
(If I may ask, which VSTs did you use in making it?)
Be sure to keep up on my social media pages! Also, if you would like to use and of my music for videos/ games, feel free to do so without asking. Just properly credit me :)
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/4/07
Well, you deserve it! Positive Vibe is a great song!
(If I may ask, which VSTs did you use in making it?)
Oh man, i really need to keep up with my page. But if you are still curious, i use Nexus, Vanguard, Osc3x, and vengeance sound packs
u mean top 1
Have my metaphorical babies.
:O what happened to "Showdown" you should finish it!!! and congrats for top 30!!!
If U were wonderin' what I ment in my reveiw when I said 'other' themes of tetris (Witch U probably forgoten about by now), I ment That U just had tetris type 1 music and there's also 2 and 3 type tetris themes. got it? If U dont know them look on U-tube. If U dont want to do it, sure thing. I was just wondering if U wanted to try them out, thats all.
"positive Vibe" is amazzing!!!!!!! 10 out of 10 ur a techo god!
As long as you keep making fantastic music you can expect to get great scores. You really deserved a top 30 spot for Positive Vibe; it was incredible. Cheers.
still loving the music. listen to "positive vibe" and "can't be still" everyday.
ps - the other artist was southwest statistic, but i only like two of their songs, and i love just about all of yours. so you're pretty much my favorite artist on here. lol.
keep up the great work!!
Lol thanks Kenny. I didn't know people could leave comments on this page. But i've also released a new song "Get Real". Check that out if you'd like. Hope you enjoy!
Hey man, is it cool if I make a quick remix of your "Space man" song? I thought it was super catchy, and I've already started one. I don't have to submit it if you dont want me too though :3
Also I started the remix and worked on it for like a half hour, if you wanted to listen to it you can, just IM me Daviecrocker196
Hey NIGHTkilla,
I'd been making a game,and no,it's a downloadable game,not flash.
Usually,i havent made the game yet,and im building up my crew and i need a sound maker,designers,animators,voicers,and testers.It's ok if you dont like to help,though.Although,your music is fantastic,and could be part in the game if you'll make some music,like a catchy toon,but not too loud though,cause that''l cover up the sound effects.And if you'd make some sound effects,like a sword swinging.Even though,i like youe sound.You've got a master piece talent of music.And that's very rare for people in this world.
So if that's a yes PM me.
yo change ur icon back to the skeleton foot with wings, it was beast, and keep up the good work, love the zombie nation remix
Awesome has an 'e' in it. :P
Please enjoy the remainder of your twenty-four hour span of time.